Sit back and begin to look at the horrors of this world, never has it like this come close to the church since the wars of the days pass and the persecution of the Church. I wonder why this is coming close to us. Lets say the church has failed God? is it possible to say that there is no part of the body that has remained faithful to God? I don't know you answer for yourself as I have for myself. Is it a way of God sending out his wrath upon us? Some might say "yes" to this, but I still remain unsure about this. If you asked me, my response, I'll say it is God's way of telling us we have to begin to do something. God is the God of everything and if we are his Children and He our Father it means our inheritance is everything...heaven and so on earth. Sounds a little bit dark to say "my inheritance is here on earth". What about the nations God has called us to shine the light in to, ain't they inheritance? The love of God is far more than written theology, it is a grabbing experience that holds you and brings you close to reality as our Father sees it. So, all these killing that has crippled into the Church could be a sign of God saying move closer and see from a close place what people in the "outside" world experience and be a hope to them. I love God and hate the troubles of life but wouldn't the Love of God that reflects as hope from me to a hopeless world be needed more than in a setting where people enjoy this love and have it in abundance? my love for him shouldn't be selfish, my love for him isn't only a spiritual thing or a spiritual answer, it is not seen only in how many verses I can quote but the numbers of "hopeless" situation I have gone through and seen the hope that God has given to me as his son through Christ Jesus. My love for him could be seen practically, it is Real! Bless you who live like Christ putting words into action in this world with so much despair and bringing hope to the hopeless.